
Our Curriculum

At Packwood our emphasis is on making learning challenging, stimulating and engaging for all. We look to instil a love of learning in all our pupils and enable them to make the very best progress for their individual ability.

The children are encouraged to approach lessons with enquiring minds and develop key skills that will help them meet future challenges and become independent lifelong learners.

Pupils thrive in our broad curriculum, centred on core literacy and numeracy skills that underpin all other subjects. Reading is promoted and supported throughout the school with designated Junior and Senior Libraries and a focus on ‘Reading for Pleasure’. Speaking and listening skills are also developed and in Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6 all pupils take English Speaking Board exams.

The curriculum aims to inspire and challenge pupils and allow them to experience as wide a range of subjects as possible over the course of their time at Packwood. Pupils benefit from being taught by subject specialists in all areas of the curriculum. In addition to the ‘examined’ subjects of English, Maths, Science, French, Latin, Geography, History and TPR, pupils will also have weekly lessons in Art, Drama, Music, Design Technology, Computer Studies, PE and PSHE.

As they progress through the school, pupils have the opportunity to participate in regional and national competitions that support and enhance their studies.

Prep School Learning and Teaching
Prep School Learning and Teaching

Packwood’s greatest assets are its teachers and support staff, and their unending enthusiasm to see our children develop, grow and achieve to their full potential.