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Park House Brims with House Spirit
What a start we have had to the year in Park House. There are a few new faces, but already it feels like we are
Fun Run and Fundraising for Orthopaedic Institute
On Friday 20th September we held a fun run and fundraising day for the Veterans’ Unit at the Orthopaedic Hospital in Gobowen. During their Assembly,
Packwood Boarding: Kindness, Courage and Humility
As ever, it has been a busy couple of weeks in the boys’ house. We have been particularly impressed with the Year 8s, who have
Illuminating Ideas – Year 8 Science Videos
Our Year 8 students have been shining a light on their understanding of electricity! As part of their science curriculum, they were tasked with creating informative videos
Acorns Dive into ‘Big Blue’ Topic
It has been a busy few weeks for the children in Acorns. Everyone has settled in well and enjoyed making new friends. We have have
A Season of Song
It has been great to see all our ensembles, bands and the three choirs in action over the last four weeks. Our daily assembly hymns