Year 8 parents and special guests were both enlightened and entertained by the variety of Year 8 lessons during our first Celebration of Learning event this academic year.
In Maths, they discussed exam technique through exploring a variety of CE questions. Product of Prime Factors, Removing Brackets (Noddy’s Hat!) and Factorising. A few flashbacks for the Year 8 parents, no doubt!
Pickleball was a highlight for parents and children in P.E. Pickleball is a paddle sport that over the last 50-plus years has drawn in nearly 3 million enthusiasts across the world. In fact, efforts are underway to make it an Olympic sport. The focus for our Year 8 pupils was to teach the parents the basic rules of the game. The pupils and parents then explored the game through singles or doubles match play.
Continuing their study of Settlements in Geography, groups were shown news articles regarding the creation of new towns in the county of Kent. With reference to the Labour government’s plan to build 1.5 million new homes in England, it was identified that a large number of greenfield sites would be needed. The challenge for pupils and parents was to become urban planners tasked with designing urban areas that would provide services and infrastructure for people to live. It was great to see such constructive collaboration which produced a range of well thought-out and interesting designs.
In the Art session, parents and children worked together to create detailed block prints using polystyrene. They carefully carved intricate designs featuring a variety of subjects, including whales, chickens, cats, and mushrooms. Each piece showed a high level of detail, with fine lines and carefully crafted textures making the images stand out. The finished prints were bold and eye-catching, with every design having its own unique style.
Our Celebration of Learning events provide fantastic opportunities to showcase how the children here at Packwood enjoy such a broad and balanced learning experience each and every day. The Year 7 Celebration of Learning will be held on Friday 14th March, and Years 3-6 will take place in the Summer Term.