

School Fees

Acorns £3,745 per term

Year 3 £5,537 per term

Year 4 – Year 8 (Day) £7,795 per term

Year 4 – Year 8 (Boarding) £9,962 per term

Boarding (Overseas) £11,235 per term

Fees should be paid by cheque or direct bank transfer by the first day of each term. The School does operate a direct debit scheme to pay fees monthly – please contact the Bursar for more information.

Lump-Sum Capital Payment in Advance

The School offers a payment-in-advance contract for those parents, grandparents, or guardians wishing to make a lump-sum payment for projected school fees. Please contact the Bursar for details.


One full term’s notice (Sep-Dec, Jan-Mar, or Apr-Jul) must be given in writing by parents or guardians before a child leaves the School (except at the end of Year 8). If notice is not given, an additional payment of a term’s fees in lieu of notice is required.

Sibling Discount

Where siblings are attending the School there is a 15% sibling discount for the third child and each child thereafter.

Optional Extras

Extras are charged in arrears, so they appear on school bills at the end of the term in which they are incurred.

All main school clubs and activities run by our own staff, which do not require equipment expenditure are not charged for. Children volunteering for clubs and activities costing £65 or less each term and Sunday activities costing less than £30 per weekend will be permitted to join without prior reference to parents.

Please click this link to download Packwood Extras PDF

Pupils playing woodwind instruments
Girls taking part in sports activities

Packwood provides an opportunity to flourish, gain independence and make life-long friends in a caring and nurturing environment.