Out of this World Project Gathers Pace

The ‘Out of this world’ project continues to gather pace. Preparations are well underway for a successful launch late in the Summer term. The children have recently been performing mock predictions on the flight of the payload using a specialist website. If we were to launch on March 10th, the balloon would be predicted to […]
Pupils Inspired by Careers Talk

Year 7 and 8 were treated to an inspiring careers talk last Saturday morning by Charlie Thurstan, Packwood parent and entrepreneur. As part of Packwood’s occasional program of visiting speakers, Mr Thurstan condensed five inspirational figures and their life stories to five minutes each. In addition to planting the seeds for career ideas, the pupils […]
World Book Day Celebrations

The English department planned a vast array of events for World Book Day this year, starting on Thursday 2nd March, running through to a celebration of books and dress-up day on Saturday 4th March. Years 3 and 4 were invited to join the children at local primary school, St John Baptist CE, and Years 5 […]
Year 7 Scientists Measure Speed of Sound

In Science, Year 7 have been investigating a number of different things, including whether the surface area of the wings of a paper helicopter affects the speed at which it falls. They made their helicopters from templates given to them and headed to the sports hall where each group dropped the helicopter from the balcony […]
Architecture Workshop Inspires Pupils

Following the great success of the Architecture Workshop last year in the Prep school, Acorns were the first to welcome Martin from the Architecture Workshop this year. All children from Reception through to Year 8 have taken part in a variety of tasks. The theme of each construction has ranged from ‘my first structure’ for […]
Pupils Selected for Essay Competition Final

Four Packwood pupils were selected for last week’s final of the annual Sir Philip Sidney Essay Competition. This year’s 500-word essay submissions were on the challenging title ‘Poetry contains truth’. Grace, Hay-Yee and Evie (Year 6) all impressed Deputy Head Academic Dr Richard Kowenicki with the maturity of their responses, whilst special mention must go […]
Out of this World

During a Monday evening club, aptly named ‘Out of this World!’, a group of Year 8 students are preparing for a very exciting event this Summer term. With the help of Mr Watt and Nick McCloud (a STEM ambassador), the group of students are planning on launching a payload into and beyond the stratosphere and […]
Inventor of the Term

For the past few terms, the Science department has set a voluntary Scientist of the term project for pupils to produce a project on if they wish. Last term, pupils had the option of producing something on Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace or indeed any female Scientist they chose. As it was in previous terms, the […]
Celebration of Learning Event

Last Friday, Year 8 parents took part in the first Celebration of Learning event for 2023. This follows on from the highly successful launch of the Celebration of Learning programme last year. These events have been fully embraced by staff, pupils and parents alike. The Year 8 pupils and parents moved around the school solving […]
Maths Made Fun

This week, Year 3 have enjoyed a spot of shopping with their friends! There are two growing stores in 3H and 3R, all created by the children. The children chose prices for the items, and created labels, recording correctly with the pound symbol and the decimal point. Using their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills, […]