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Two young children dressed as movie characters

Acorns Dive into ‘Big Blue’ Topic

It has been a busy few weeks for the children in Acorns. Everyone has settled in well and enjoyed making new friends.  We have have had great fun beginning each day together with our new Morning Movement time and are all enjoying diving into our ‘Big Blue’ topic. 

Reception Class were delighted to welcome parents into school for a fun Arts and Crafts afternoon. Together they created a variety of under-the-sea artwork. 

Meanwhile, Year 1 have enjoyed exploring The Rainbow Fish story and have been writing fantastic character descriptions as well as creating their own Rainbow Fish collage. 

Year 2 have been learning about onomatopoeia and creating poetry using water sounds. They were interested in studying artwork by Claude Monet and making their own lily pond paintings. 

All the children fully embraced the Fun Run Fundraising Day and movie theme. Our movie stars walked the red carpet where they had tremendous fun getting into character and doing interviews.  Their acting skills were challenged as they re-enacted parts from some familiar films and created freeze frame scenes.   

We are all looking forward to continuing our Big Blue Theme with a trip to Blue Planet Aquarium and our Acorns theme day.

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