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Parents and child enjoying lesson

Celebration of Learning

Parents of the Year 3, Year 4 and Year 6 children have enjoyed a variety of lessons at the Packwood Celebration of Learning events over the past few weeks.

Year 3 were learning about the Healing of the Ten Lepers in Theology, Philosophy and Religion (TPR). In English, the children read some of their class novel, “The Sandman and the Turtles” by Michael Morpurgo to their parents, then together they created an enticing newspaper headline to report on how the Sandman woke up. They had a little time for some interview questions as they hot spotted the characters from the book. In Sport, they were challenged to improve their straight arm bowling technique. French and Art were the other subjects that the Year 3 children and parents enjoyed.

In Year 4, parents and children had the opportunity to perform in the theatre for their Drama lesson. Some of the wonderful Year 8 Drama Scholars assisted by showcasing excellent mime performances. In Maths, they experienced typical games used in daily maths lessons for mental maths speed as well as some deep-thinking mathematical challenges. In Music, the children worked with their parents to create a piano duet: the pupils composed a melody and their parents provided chords or another accompaniment. Magnetic Fields was the concept explored in science: the shapes and direction of magnetic fields and recognising that the Earth has a magnetic field so we can use bar magnets to help with directions, aka using a compass. Alongside all this exceptional learning, Mrs Rogers encouraged the Year 4s to recognise the importance of a good night’s sleep in the P.S.H.E. lesson. The parents were certainly in agreement with this!

Year 6 were soldering circuits to make their own ‘jitterbugs’ in D.T. Some parents also had a go at soldering having never done this before. One or two made mini helicopters, others had feathers attached to them and fabric to make them look like jittering creatures of some sort! The year 6 Geography lesson re-visited the skills of reading Ordnance Survey maps. Pupils and parents did some grid referencing, using scale to measure distance, working out direction using compass points and measuring height. The challenge really came when they had to rap in French, and Year 6 enjoyed a cricket coaching lesson focussing on batting, including straight drive shot development using batting tees and drop feeds.

It is wonderful to be able to share the breadth of learning experiences with our parents, we just hope they weren’t too exhausted by the end!

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