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Boy and girl working together to solve maths puzzles

Packwood Maths Day

Packwood’s first whole-school Maths Day (minus Y8 on their leavers’ trip) took place on 15th June. Based on the theme ‘Maths is everywhere, Maths is fun’, this involved the children working collaboratively within their Sixes, with a whole day dedicated to Maths.

Children from Reception up to Year 4 enjoyed a blend of indoor and outdoor activities together in Acorns. There were logic problems, a Maths scavenger hunt, measuring mass carried by boats and shape challenges. Many of the older children enjoyed returning to Acorns, seeing their previous teachers, and realising how small the chairs are now! The Acorns children loved having the older children come and work with them. Skills of collaboration, perseverance and leadership were rewarded with ‘beads’ and Sixes points.

Meanwhile in the Prep school, Years 5, 6 and 7 worked together in their Sixes to accomplish many mighty Maths challenges. This involved the game of Nim, a mathematical game of strategy, ‘What are the odds?’ mathematics in horse racing, a QR code problem solving treasure hunt, and Maths relays. During Break, the children continued being mathematical in the yard. Mr Collins had many of the children (and staff!) perplexed by the Tower of Hanoi game, connect 5 and the leapfrog task. It was wonderful to see the older children helping the younger ones, and groups working together to tackle the problem-solving tasks.

The afternoon involved ice creams and a times tables water balloon game! Before enjoying the sweet treats, Mrs Rigby made sure the Year 3s and 4s accurately measured and weighed the sweets and ice creams. Years 5, 6 and 7 were playing it cool with Mr Robertson’s RC cars, measuring speed on differing surfaces. Mr Collins challenged the children to some Origami, making Columbus Cubes, Mr LG’s groups found out how much fun there is in probability, and Mr Ford was breaking world records, measuring distance and speed.

Alongside all of this, each year group spent time in the Sports Hall with a visiting Maths company, The Happy Puzzle Company. Problem solving games, puzzles, brainteasers, and other challenges were thoroughly enjoyed by all!

The day ended on a high with a Sixes Maths Quiz in the theatre. Each Six nominated some super mathematicians to answer a range of mental maths and problem-solving questions. It was fingers on buzzers and a lot of loud cheering! It was a full house at Packwood, 100% attendance and 100% enjoyment! Many thanks to the Maths Department for organising such a fun and interactive day and to all the staff for supporting and encouraging the children throughout the day. Congratulations to Bradshaw Boyces, who were the Maths Day winning Six, for their collaboration skills and keen participation!

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