This term has seen the days lengthening and getting up in the morning has become easier. The girls are met by a host of golden daffodils in the tubs at the front of the house as they gambol (lamb-like) back to the house in the evenings.
As ever we have shared life with each other, from exam nerves (both musical and academic) to haircuts (Sienna has very kindly donated her long locks to the Princess Trust, in support of children who lose their hair due to treatment they receive for cancer), to mini eisteddfods and putting the world to rights over hot chocolate and biscuits.
Squash Mallows have been the “in thing” in Parkie this term and have taken the house by storm. The sticker collections the girls are amassing is quite impressive, and I am beginning to get to know the names as the girls test me each evening.
Thursday “Games night” has been a big hit. The TV is turned off and all gather in the Hangout to try their hand at whatever game is on offer. The “Hockolf” challenge has been fiercely contested; it involves seeing how far down the building corridor you can push a hockey ball without it hitting the wall or stopping. Luna managed the entire length of Parkie on her first go! Chocolate games have been very fiercely contested, the overseas pupils have ganged up on me in Boggle and last Thursday’s game of Cheat was a real eye opener! I am not sure if I am going to be quite so believing of the girls again!
Occasional boarding is becoming ever more popular with the girls fitting in seamlessly and making the most of the experiences that boarding offers. And on a similar theme we have an increase in older girls joining us full-time for the summer term which we are really looking forward to.
Just this morning I was watching an animated discussion and plan of attack as some of the girls focused on the dorm points competition – only 4 points separate the top three and a single point makes the difference for the wooden spoon!
Mrs. C and I have now got used to the routine and are loving being part of the Parkie family. Fergus the miniature schnauzer is calming down and sports a new hair cut in support of Sienna, but slippers beware! We are also getting to know the parents better, and this all adds to making us feel very much at home.
Mr Caithness.