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Parkie Boarding Round-up
This term has seen the days lengthening and getting up in the morning has become easier. The girls are met by a host of golden

Gotta Dance
On Wednesday 19th March, 31 dancers from years 5-8 travelled to Theatre Severn in Shrewsbury to perform in ‘Gotta Dance’ alongside other schools and performing

World Book Day Celebrations
On World Book Day, the children in Acorns took part in a wonderfully imaginative celebration, arriving at school dressed as a wide range of their

News from the Warren
It is hard to believe that the Spring Term is nearly ticked off. The dark, muddy, wet days of January seem a rather distant memory,

Packwoodians Present a Musical Medley
The last fortnight has been incredibly busy for all Packwood pupils and staff, and the Music Department has been no exception, with several musical events

Architecture Workshops
We had three fantastic days of problem-solving and teamwork, from Reception through to Year 7, using dowels and rubber bands to bring architecture to life.