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Boys and girls in classroom reading and creating collages

Academic Focus – Years 3-4

As the older children have been busy preparing for their exams, the younger Prep school children have been busy working hard and having plenty of fun too!

Year 3 are just coming to the end of an addition and subtraction unit in Maths. They have learnt how to represent adding and subtracting in different ways; bar models, part-whole models, and the formal column method. They had fun rounding numbers for quick estimation and finding mistakes in calculations too. Their next unit is multiplication and division.

In English, Year 3 pupils are using all the work they have done on descriptive language, such as interesting adjectives, powerful verbs, adverbs and similes, for the Prep School Creative Writing Competition. They started with an image of an intriguing doorway as their stimulus and have now chosen where their doorway will lead. We are excited to read their imaginative ideas as the stories evolve using a problem or dilemma and then a reassuring resolution.

Year 4 are learning all about the Anglo Saxons in their History lessons. They are thoroughly enjoying reading Tony Bradman’s ‘Anglo Saxon Boy.’  In English, pupils are currently writing a fact file of all their favourite facts learned in History this term to publish a book for younger pupils.


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